
What Is My Chinese New Year Animal

Lunar agenda nomenclature in a 12 year cycle

Chinese zodiac
Chinese Zodiac carvings on ceiling of Kushida Shrine, Fukuoka.jpg
Chinese 生肖
Hanyu Pinyin shēngxiào
Alternative Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 属相
Traditional Chinese 屬相
Hanyu Pinyin shǔxiàng

The Chinese zodiac is a traditional classification scheme based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each twelvemonth in a repeating twelve-year cycle. Originating from China, the zodiac and its variations remain popular in many East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, such as Nippon,[1] Republic of korea,[2] Taiwan, Vietnam,[2] Kingdom of cambodia,[3] Singapore, Nepal, Kingdom of bhutan and Thailand.[4]

Identifying this scheme using the generic term "zodiac" reflects several superficial similarities to the Western zodiac: both have time cycles divided into twelve parts, each labels at least the majority of those parts with names of animals, and each is widely associated with a civilization of ascribing a person'due south personality or events in their life to the supposed influence of the person's particular relationship to the cycle.[ commendation needed ]

Still, in that location are major differences betwixt the 2: the animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations spanned by the ecliptic airplane. The Chinese twelve-part cycle corresponds to years, rather than months. The Chinese zodiac is represented by twelve animals, whereas some of the signs in the Western zodiac are not animals, despite the implication of the etymology of the English give-and-take zodiac, which derives from zōdiacus , the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek zōdiakòs kýklos ( ζῳδιακός κύκλος ), meaning "cycle of animals".

History [edit]

Signs [edit]

A stone carving of the Chinese zodiac.

The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat. The post-obit are the twelve zodiac signs in society, each with its associated characteristics (Earthly Co-operative, yin/yang forcefulness, Trine, and nature element).[5]

Number Brute Characters Yin/yang Trine Stock-still element
1 Rat 鼠, shǔ (子) Yang 1st Water
2 Ox 牛, niú (丑) Yin 2nd Earth
3 Tiger 虎, hǔ (寅) Yang 3rd Wood
iv Rabbit 兔, tù (卯) Yin quaternary Wood
5 Dragon 龙/龍, lóng (辰) Yang 1st World
6 Serpent 蛇, shé (巳) Yin 2nd Burn down
7 Horse 马/馬, mǎ (午) Yang 3rd Fire
8 Goat 羊, yáng (未) Yin quaternary World
9 Monkey 猴, hóu (申) Yang 1st Metallic
10 Rooster 鸡/雞, jī (酉) Yin 2nd Metal
eleven Canis familiaris 狗, gǒu (戌) Yang tertiary World
12 Squealer 猪/豬, zhū (亥) Yin quaternary Water

In Chinese star divination the beast signs assigned by year represent how others perceive you or how you present yourself. Information technology is a common misconception that the animals assigned by twelvemonth are the only signs, and many Western descriptions of Chinese astrology draw solely on this system. In fact, there are also animal signs assigned past month (called "inner animals"), by solar day (called "true animals") and hours (called "secret animals"). The Earth is all twelve signs, with v seasons.

Chinese agenda [edit]

Years [edit]

Within the Four Pillars, the twelvemonth is the pillar representing information almost the person's family unit background and society or human relationship with their grandparents. The person's age can also be easily deduced from the sign of the person, the current sign of the year and the person's perceived age (teens, mid-20s, 40s and so on). For instance, a person who is a Tiger is either 12, 24, 36 or 48 years old in 2010, the year of the Tiger. In 2011, the twelvemonth of the Rabbit, that person is one year older.

The following table shows the lx-year cycle matched up to the Gregorian calendar for the years 1924–2043 (run into sexagenary cycle article for years 1804–2043). The sexagenary cycle begins at lichun virtually February iv according to some astrological sources.[6] [7]

Year Associated
1924–1983 1984–2043
1 Feb 05 1924–Jan 23 1925 Yang Wood Rat Feb 02 1984–February 19 1985
2 Jan 24 1925–February 12 1926 Yin Wood Ox February twenty 1985–Feb 08 1986
iii Feb thirteen 1926–Feb 01 1927 Yang Fire Tiger February 09 1986–Jan 28 1987
4 Feb 02 1927–January 22 1928 Yin Fire Rabbit Jan 29 1987–Feb 16 1988
5 Jan 23 1928–Feb 09 1929 Yang World Dragon February 17 1988–February 05 1989
6 Feb ten 1929–Jan 29 1930 Yin Globe Snake February 06 1989–Jan 26 1990
7 Jan 30 1930–Feb 16 1931 Yang Metal Equus caballus Jan 27 1990–Feb 14 1991
8 Feb 17 1931–Feb 05 1932 Yin Metallic Goat Feb 15 1991–February 03 1992
9 February 06 1932–Jan 25 1933 Yang H2o Monkey February 04 1992–Jan 22 1993
ten Jan 26 1933–Feb xiii 1934 Yin Water Rooster Jan 23 1993–Feb 09 1994
11 Feb 14 1934–Feb 03 1935 Yang Wood Domestic dog Feb 10 1994–Jan 30 1995
12 February 04 1935–Jan 23 1936 Yin Forest Squealer Jan 31 1995–Feb 18 1996
13 Jan 24 1936–Feb 10 1937 Yang Burn Rat Feb 19 1996–Feb 06 1997
14 February xi 1937–January xxx 1938 Yin Fire Ox Feb 07 1997–Jan 27 1998
fifteen January 31 1938–Feb 18 1939 Yang World Tiger Jan 28 1998–Feb 15 1999
16 Feb 19 1939–Feb 07 1940 Yin World Rabbit Feb 16 1999–Feb 04 2000
17 Feb 08 1940–Jan 26 1941 Yang Metal Dragon Feb 05 2000–Jan 23 2001
18 Jan 27 1941–Feb fourteen 1942 Yin Metallic Snake January 24 2001–February 11 2002
nineteen February 15 1942–Feb 04 1943 Yang Water Horse February 12 2002–Jan 31 2003
20 February 05 1943–Jan 24 1944 Yin H2o Caprine animal Feb 01 2003–Jan 21 2004
21 Jan 25 1944–Feb 12 1945 Yang Forest Monkey Jan 22 2004–Feb 08 2005
22 Feb 13 1945–Feb 01 1946 Yin Wood Rooster February 09 2005–Jan 28 2006
23 Feb 02 1946–Jan 21 1947 Yang Fire Domestic dog Jan 29 2006–February 17 2007
24 Jan 22 1947–Feb 09 1948 Yin Fire Squealer Feb eighteen 2007–Feb 06 2008
25 February 10 1948–January 28 1949 Yang World Rat Feb 07 2008–January 25 2009
26 Jan 29 1949–Feb xvi 1950 Yin World Ox January 26 2009–February thirteen 2010
27 February 17 1950–Feb 05 1951 Yang Metallic Tiger Feb 14 2010–Feb 02 2011
28 Feb 06 1951–Jan 26 1952 Yin Metal Rabbit Feb 03 2011–Jan 22 2012
29 January 27 1952–Feb 13 1953 Yang Water Dragon January 23 2012–Feb 09 2013
30 February 14 1953–Feb 02 1954 Yin H2o Snake Feb 10 2013–Jan xxx 2014
31 Feb 03 1954–Jan 23 1955 Yang Forest Horse January 31 2014–Feb 18 2015
32 January 24 1955–Feb eleven 1956 Yin Wood Goat February 19 2015–Feb 07 2016
33 February 12 1956–Jan thirty 1957 Yang Burn Monkey February 08 2016–Jan 27 2017
34 January 31 1957–Feb 17 1958 Yin Fire Rooster Jan 28 2017–Feb xv 2018
35 Feb 18 1958–Feb 07 1959 Yang Earth Domestic dog Feb 16 2018–Feb 04 2019
36 Feb 08 1959–Jan 27 1960 Yin World Pig Feb 05 2019–Jan 24 2020
37 Jan 28 1960–Feb 14 1961 Yang Metal Rat January 25 2020–February 11 2021
38 Feb 15 1961–Feb 04 1962 Yin Metal Ox Feb 12 2021–Jan 31 2022
39 Feb 05 1962–Jan 24 1963 Yang H2o Tiger Feb 01 2022–January 21 2023
forty Jan 25 1963–February 12 1964 Yin H2o Rabbit Jan 22 2023–Feb 09 2024
41 February thirteen 1964–Feb 01 1965 Yang Forest Dragon Feb 10 2024–January 28 2025
42 Feb 02 1965–Jan xx 1966 Yin Woods Serpent Jan 29 2025–Feb 16 2026
43 Jan 21 1966–February 08 1967 Yang Fire Horse Feb 17 2026–Feb 05 2027
44 February 09 1967–Jan 29 1968 Yin Fire Goat Feb 06 2027–January 25 2028
45 Jan 30 1968–February xvi 1969 Yang Earth Monkey January 26 2028–Feb 12 2029
46 Feb 17 1969–February 05 1970 Yin Earth Rooster Feb 13 2029–February 02 2030
47 Feb 06 1970–Jan 26 1971 Yang Metal Dog Feb 03 2030–Jan 22 2031
48 January 27 1971–Feb 14 1972 Yin Metal Pig Jan 23 2031–Feb 10 2032
49 Feb xv 1972–Feb 02 1973 Yang H2o Rat Feb 11 2032–Jan 30 2033
fifty Feb 03 1973–Jan 22 1974 Yin Water Ox Jan 31 2033–Feb 18 2034
51 January 23 1974–Feb x 1975 Yang Wood Tiger Feb nineteen 2034–February 07 2035
52 Feb xi 1975–January 30 1976 Yin Wood Rabbit Feb 08 2035–Jan 27 2036
53 January 31 1976–February 17 1977 Yang Burn Dragon Jan 28 2036–Feb 14 2037
54 February eighteen 1977–February 06 1978 Yin Fire Serpent Feb fifteen 2037–Feb 03 2038
55 Feb 07 1978–Jan 27 1979 Yang Earth Horse Feb 04 2038–Jan 23 2039
56 Jan 28 1979–February 15 1980 Yin World Caprine animal Jan 24 2039–Feb 11 2040
57 Feb xvi 1980–Feb 04 1981 Yang Metal Monkey Feb 12 2040–Jan 31 2041
58 Feb 05 1981–Jan 24 1982 Yin Metallic Rooster Feb 01 2041–Jan 21 2042
59 Jan 25 1982–Feb 12 1983 Yang Water Dog January 22 2042–February 09 2043
60 Feb xiii 1983–February 01 1984 Yin H2o Pig Feb 10 2043–Jan 29 2044

Months and solar terms [edit]

Within the Four Pillars, the month is the pillar representing information near the person's parents or childhood. Many Chinese astrologers consider the month colonnade to exist the most important 1 in determining the circumstances of one's adult life.

The twelve animals are also linked to the traditional Chinese agricultural calendar, which runs aslope the better known Lunar calendar. Instead of months, this calendar is divided into 24 two-week segments known as Solar Terms. Each animal is linked to two of these solar terms for a menstruation similar to the Western month. Unlike the 60 yr Lunar calendar, which tin can vary past as much as a calendar month in relation to the Gregorian calendar, the agricultural calendar varies by but 1 solar day, start on the Gregorian agenda on 3 or 4 February every year. Again unlike the bike of the lunar years, which begins with the Rat, the agricultural calendar begins with the Tiger every bit it is the first animal of jump.

As each sign is linked to a calendar month of the solar year, it is thereby also linked to a season. Each of the elements are also linked to a season (encounter to a higher place), and the chemical element that shares a season with a sign is known as the sign'due south stock-still element. In other words, that element is believed to impart some of its characteristics to the sign concerned. The stock-still element of each sign applies also to the year and hour signs, and not just the monthly sign. The fixed element is separate from the bicycle of elements which interact with the signs in the 60-year cycle.

Flavour Lunar month Fixed
chemical element
Solar term Approx. Gregorian date Approx.
Spring 1st – 寅 (yin) Tiger Woods 315° 立春 lìchūn Feb 4 Aquarius
330° 雨水 yǔshuǐ Mar 5 Pisces
second – 卯 (mao) Rabbit Wood 345° 啓蟄 qǐzhé (驚蟄 jīngzhé) Mar half-dozen
春分 chūnfēn Apr five Aries
3rd – 辰 (chen) Dragon Earth xv° 清明 qīngmíng Apr 6
xxx° 穀雨 gǔyǔ May 6 Taurus
Summertime fourth – 巳 (si) Ophidian Burn 45° 立夏 lìxià May seven
60° 小滿 xiǎomǎn Jun 5 Gemini
5th – 午 (wu) Horse Burn 75° 芒種 mángzhòng Jun 6
ninety° 夏至 xiàzhì Jul half dozen Cancer
6th – 未 (wei) Goat Earth 105° 小暑 xiǎoshǔ Jul 7
120° 大暑 dàshǔ Aug 6 Leo
Fall seventh – 申 (shen) Monkey Metal 135° 立秋 lìqiū Aug 7
150° 處暑 chùshǔ Sep 7 Virgo
8th – 酉 (you) Rooster Metallic 165° 白露 báilù Sep eight
180° 秋分 qiūfēn Oct 7 Libra
9th – 戌 (xu) Canis familiaris Globe 195° 寒露 hánlù Oct 8
210° 霜降 shuāngjiàng Nov vi Scorpio
Winter 10th – 亥 (hai) Grunter Water 225° 立冬 lìdōng Nov seven
240° 小雪 xiǎoxuě Dec half dozen Sagittarius
11th – 子 (zi) Rat Water 255° 大雪 dàxuě December seven
270° 冬至 dōngzhì Jan 5 Capricorn
12th – 丑 (chou) Ox Globe 285° 小寒 xiǎohán Jan 6
300° 大寒 dàhán Feb 3 Aquarius

Day [edit]

4 pillars calculators tin can decide the zodiac creature of the day.[8] Chinese animate being signs dominion over days of the week, also. The term for them is "True Animals". If your astrologer wishes to gear up an astrological chart (aka horoscope), it is essential they know the creature and chemical element of your day of nascence. However, due to there being twelve animals and a ten-twenty-four hours week on the ancient Chinese calendar, it is not like shooting fish in a barrel to find ane's twenty-four hour period element or animal. Every bit the Twenty-four hour period Master (element) affects the element of the Hr animal, among other things, circumspection is required when calculating this part of the chart. A professional will probable have tools for such a computer on manus, but many online calculators that feature all four animals will likewise provide an accurate chart.

Compatibility [edit]

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility-Conflict-Damage Grid in accordance to one's nature, characteristics, and elements

Every bit the Chinese zodiac is derived co-ordinate to the aboriginal V Elements Theory, every Chinese sign is associated with five elements with relations, among those elements, of interpolation, interaction, over-activeness, and counter-action—believed to be the mutual law of motions and changes of creatures in the universe. Different people born under each beast sign supposedly accept unlike personalities, and practitioners of Chinese astrology consult such traditional details and compatibilities to offer putative guidance in life or for love and marriage.[9]

Chinese zodiac compatibility grid[10]
Sign Best match


Boilerplate lucifer


Super bad



(best avert)

Rat Dragon, Monkey, Rat Pig, Tiger, Dog, Snake, Rabbit, Rooster, Ox Horse Goat
Ox Ophidian, Rooster, Ox Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Sus scrofa, Rat Goat Horse
Tiger Horse, Domestic dog, Tiger Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Caprine animal, Ox, Pig Monkey Snake
Rabbit Pig, Goat, Rabbit Tiger, Monkey, Caprine animal, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake Rooster Dragon
Dragon Rat, Monkey, Dragon Tiger, Ophidian, Horse, Goat, Hog, Ox, Rooster Dog Rabbit
Snake Ox, Rooster, Serpent Horse, Dragon, Caprine animal, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey Hog Tiger
Horse Dog, Tiger, Horse Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat Rat Ox
Goat Rabbit, Grunter, Goat Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger Ox Rat
Monkey Dragon, Rat, Monkey Dragon, Domestic dog, Ox, Caprine animal, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse Tiger Pig
Rooster Ox, Ophidian, Rooster Horse, Serpent, Caprine animal, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat Rabbit Canis familiaris
Domestic dog Tiger, Horse, Canis familiaris Monkey, Hog, Rat, Ox, Serpent, Goat, Rabbit Dragon Rooster
Pig Rabbit, Goat, Pig Rat, Rooster, Domestic dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger Ophidian Monkey

4 Pillars of Destiny [edit]

The Four Pillars of Destiny method can exist traced back to the Han dynasty (201 BC – 220 AD), and is still much used in feng shui astrology and full general analysis today. The Four Pillars or columns chart is called such as the Chinese writing causes it to fall into columns. Each pillar or cavalcade contains a stem and a branch—and each column relates to the twelvemonth, month, day and 60 minutes of birth. The first cavalcade refers to the year beast and element, the second to the month animal and chemical element, the tertiary to the twenty-four hour period animal and element, and the last to the hour creature and element.

Inside the Four Pillars of Destiny, the year column purports to provide information about one'due south ancestor or early on historic period, and the month column almost one's parents or growing age. The twenty-four hour period column purports to offer information about oneself (upper character) and one's spouse (lower graphic symbol) or adult age, and the hour column nearly children or late age.[eleven]

Brute trines [edit]

First [edit]

The outset trine consists of the Rat, Dragon, and Monkey. These three signs are said to be intense and powerful individuals capable of great adept, who brand great leaders merely are rather unpredictable. The three are said to be intelligent, magnanimous, charismatic, mannerly, administrative, confident, eloquent and artistic, but can be manipulative, jealous, selfish, aggressive, vindictive, and deceitful.

2nd [edit]

The 2d trine consists of the Ox, Snake, and Rooster. These three signs are said to possess endurance and application, with slow accumulation of energy, meticulous at planning but tending to hold fixed opinions. The 3 are said to be intelligent, hard-working, modest, industrious, loyal, philosophical, patient, goodhearted and morally upright, only can also be cocky-righteous, egotistical, vain, judgmental, narrow-minded, and petty.

Third [edit]

The third trine consists of the Tiger, Horse, and Canis familiaris. These three signs are said to seek true beloved, to pursue humanitarian causes, to be idealistic and independent but disposed to exist impulsive. The three are said to be productive, enthusiastic, independent, engaging, dynamic, honorable, loyal and protective, but tin besides be rash, rebellious, quarrelsome, anxious, bellicose, and stubborn.

Fourth [edit]

The fourth trine consists of the Rabbit, Caprine animal, and Sus scrofa. These three signs are said to take a calm nature and somewhat reasonable approach; they seek aesthetic beauty and are creative, well-mannered and compassionate, nonetheless detached and resigned to their status. The three are said to be caring, cocky-sacrificing, obliging, sensible, creative, empathetic, tactful and prudent, simply tin also be naïve, pedantic, insecure, selfish, indecisive, and pessimistic.

Origin stories [edit]

In that location are many stories and fables to explain the get-go of the zodiac. Since the Han Dynasty, the twelve Earthly Branches have been used to record the fourth dimension of twenty-four hours. Yet, for the sake of entertainment and convenience[ citation needed ], they accept been replaced past the twelve animals, and a mnemonic refers to the behavior of the animals:

Earthly Branches may refer to a double-hour period. In the latter case it is the center of the menstruation; for instance, 马 (Equus caballus) means noon as well as a period from 11:00 to 13:00.

Animal Pronunciation Period This is the fourth dimension when...
Rat Zishi 23:00 to 00:59 Rats are almost agile in seeking nutrient. Rats as well have a different number of digits on front and hind legs, thus earning Rat the symbol of "turn over" or "new beginning"
Ox Choushi 01:00 to 02:59 Oxen begin to chew the cud slowly and comfortably
Tiger Yinshi 03:00 to 04:59 Tigers chase their prey more and show their ferocity
Rabbit Maoshi 05:00 to 06:59 The Jade Rabbit is busy pounding herbal medicine on the Moon according to the tale
Dragon Chenshi 07:00 to 08:59 Dragons are hovering in the sky to requite rain
Serpent Sishi 09:00 to 10:59 Snakes are leaving their caves
Horse Wushi 11:00 to 12:59 The lord's day is high overhead and while other animals are lying down for a rest, horses are even so standing
Caprine animal Weishi 13:00 to 14:59 Goats consume grass and urinate often
Monkey Shenshi 15:00 to 16:59 Monkeys are lively
Rooster Youshi 17:00 to 18:59 Roosters begin to get back to their coops
Dog Xushi 19:00 to 20:59 Dogs carry out their duty of guarding the houses
Pig Haishi 21:00 to 22:59 Pigs are sleeping sweetly

Nifty Race [edit]

This image depicts a scene from the "Not bad Race" folk story, in which the Ox carries the Rat beyond the river.

An ancient folk story[12] chosen the "Swell Race" tells that the Jade Emperor decreed that the years on the calendar would be named for each animal in the order they reached him. To get in that location, the animals would take to cross a river .

The Cat and the Rat were not good at swimming, only they were both quite intelligent. They decided that the best and fastest way to cross the river was to hop on the dorsum of the Ox. The Ox, beingness kindhearted and naive, agreed to carry them both across. Equally the Ox was most to achieve the other side of the river, the Rat pushed the Cat into the water, and so jumped off the Ox and rushed to the Jade Emperor. It was named as the first animal of the zodiac calendar. The Ox had to settle in second place.

The third one to come, was the Tiger. Even though it was strong and powerful, it explained to the Jade Emperor that the currents were pushing him downstream.

Of a sudden, from a distance came a thumping sound, and the Rabbit arrived. It explained how it crossed the river: past jumping from i rock to another, in a nimble way. Halfway through, information technology almost lost the race, but it was lucky enough to take hold of agree of a floating log that subsequently done him to shore. For that, it became the fourth animal in the zodiac bicycle.

In fifth place, was the flying Loong. The Jade Emperor was wondering why such a swift airborne creature such as the Loong did not come in first. The Loong explained that it had to stop by a village and brought rain for all the people, and therefore information technology was held back. And then, on its way to the cease, it saw the helpless Rabbit clinging onto a log, so it did a adept human action and gave a puff of jiff to the poor creature so that it could state on the shore. The Jade Emperor was astonished by the Loong'southward expert nature, and it was named as the fifth animal.

As soon as it had done then, a galloping sound was heard, and the Horse appeared. Hidden on the Horse'southward hoof was the Snake, whose sudden advent gave it a fright, thus making it fall back and giving the Snake the sixth spot while the Equus caballus placed 7th.

After a while, the Goat, Monkey, and Rooster came to the heavenly gate. With combined efforts, they managed to arrive to the other side. The Rooster plant a raft, and the Monkey and the Caprine animal tugged and pulled, trying to get all the weeds out of the mode. The Jade Emperor was pleased with their teamwork and decided to name the Goat as the eighth animal followed by the Monkey and then the Rooster.

The eleventh animal placed in the zodiac cycle was the Domestic dog. Although it should take been the best swimmer and runner, it spent its time to play in the h2o. Though his explanation for beingness late was because it needed a good bath after a long spell. For that, it almost did not get in to the finish line.

Right when the Emperor was going to terminate the race, an "oink" sound was heard: it was the Grunter. The Hog felt hungry in the middle of the race, so it stopped, ate something, and so fell asleep. Subsequently it awoke, information technology finished the race in 12th place and became the last animal to arrive.

The cat eventually drowned and failed to exist in the zodiac. Information technology is said that this is the reason cats ever hunt rats and likewise hate h2o also.

Variations [edit]

Another folk story tells that the Rat deceived the Ox into letting it jump on its back, in order for the Ox to hear the Rat sing,[13] before jumping off at the finish line and finishing start. Another variant says that the Rat had cheated the True cat out its place at the finishing line, having stowed-away on the domestic dog's back, who was too focused to notice that he had a stow-away; this is said to account for the antagonistic dynamic between cats and rats, beyond normal predator-and-prey behaviour; and also why dogs and cats fight, the cat having tried to set on the rat in retaliation, just to get the dog by accident.

In Chinese mythology, a story tells that the cat was tricked by the Rat so it could not go to the banquet. This is why the true cat is ultimately non part of the Chinese zodiac.[ citation needed ]

In Buddhism, legend has it that Gautama Buddha summoned all of the animals of the Earth to come up before him earlier his departure from this Earth, just only twelve animals actually came to bid him adieu. To reward the animals who came to him, he named a twelvemonth after each of them. The years were given to them in the order they had arrived.

The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac were adult in the early on stages of Chinese civilisation, therefore it is difficult to investigate its existent origins. Most historians concur that the true cat is non included, every bit they had not yet been introduced to People's republic of china from Republic of india with the arrival of Buddhism. However, the Vietnamese, unlike all other countries who follow the Sino lunar calendar, have the cat instead of the rabbit as a zodiac animal. The about common explanation is that the ancient word for Rabbit (Mao) sounds similar true cat (Meo).[14]

Problems with English translation [edit]

Due to defoliation with synonyms during translation, some of the animals depicted by the English words did not exist in ancient China.[ commendation needed ] For instance:

  • The term 鼠 Rat can exist translated equally Mouse, as there are no distinctive words for the 2 genera in Chinese. Nonetheless, Rat is the most normally used one among all the synonyms.[ citation needed ]
  • The term 牛 Ox, a castrated Bull, can be translated interchangeably with other terms related to Cattle (male person Bull, female Cow) and Buffalo. However, Ox is the most commonly used one among all the synonyms.[ citation needed ]
  • The term 卯 Rabbit can be translated as Hare, as 卯 (and 兔) do not distinguish between the two genera of leporids. As hares are native to People's republic of china and most of Asia and rabbits are non, this would be more accurate. Still, in colloquial English Rabbit can cover hares besides.
  • The term 羊 Goat tin exist translated as Sheep and Ram, a male Sheep. However, Goat is the most usually used one among all the synonyms.[ citation needed ]
  • The term 雞 Rooster can be translated interchangeably with Chicken, as well as the female Hen. Nevertheless, Rooster is the most commonly used one among all the synonyms in English-speaking countries.[ citation needed ]
  • The term 豬 Pig is sometimes translated to Boar after its Japanese name.

Adaptations [edit]

The Chinese zodiac signs are also used past cultures other than Chinese. For 1 example, they commonly appear on Korean New year's day and Japanese New year's cards and stamps. The The states Postal Service and several other countries' postal service issue a "Year of the ____" postage stamp each twelvemonth to laurels this Chinese heritage.

The Chinese lunar coins, depicting the zodiac animals, inspired the Canadian Silver Maple Leaf coins, also every bit varieties from Commonwealth of australia, South korea, and Mongolia.

The Chinese zodiac is as well used in some other Asian countries that take been under the cultural influence of China. However, some of the animals in the zodiac may differ by state.

Asian [edit]

The Korean zodiac includes the Sheep (yang) instead of the Goat (which would be yeomso), although the Chinese source of the loanword yang may refer to any goat-antelope.[ citation needed ]

The Japanese zodiac includes the Sheep (hitsuji) instead of the Goat (which would be yagi), and the Wild boar (inoshishi, i) instead of the Pig (buta).[15] Since 1873, the Japanese have historic the offset of the new year on 1 January as per the Gregorian calendar.[ citation needed ]

The Vietnamese zodiac varies from the Chinese zodiac with the second animal being the Water Buffalo instead of the Ox, and the fourth brute being the Cat instead of the Rabbit.[ citation needed ]

The Cambodian zodiac is exactly identical to that of the Chinese although the dragon is interchangeable with the Neak (nāga) Cambodian sea snake.[16] Sheep and Caprine animal are interchangeable every bit well. The Cambodian New Year is historic in April, rather than in January or February as information technology is in China and most countries.[17] [18]

The Cham zodiac uses the aforementioned order as the Chinese zodiac, but replaces the Monkey with the turtle (known locally as kra).

Similarly the Malay zodiac is identical to the Chinese but replaces the Rabbit with the mousedeer (pelanduk) and the Pig with the tortoise (kura).[19] The Dragon (Loong) is commonly equated with the nāga but it is sometimes called Large Snake (ular besar) while the Snake sign is called Second Snake (ular sani).

The Thai zodiac includes a nāga in identify of the Dragon[20] and begins, non at the Chinese New Year, but either on the offset day of the fifth month in the Thai lunar agenda, or during the Songkran New year festival (at present historic every thirteen–xv Apr), depending on the purpose of the use.[21]

The Gurung zodiac in Nepal includes a Cow instead of Ox, Cat instead of Rabbit, Hawkeye instead of Dragon (Loong), Bird instead of Rooster, and Deer instead of Pig.[ citation needed ]

The Bulgar calendar used from the 2d century[22] and that has been merely partially reconstructed uses a similar sixty-year cycle of twelve creature-named years groups which are:[23]

Number Animal In Bulgar
1 Mouse Somor
2 Ox Shegor
3 Uncertain, probably Tiger/Wolf Ver?
4 Rabbit Dvan[sh]
v Uncertain, probably Loong Ver[eni]?
6 Snake Dilom
vii Equus caballus Imen[shegor]?
8 Ram Teku[chitem]?
ix Unattested, probably Monkey
10 Hen or Rooster Toh
11 Dog Eth
12 Boar Dohs

The Old Mongol calendar uses the Mouse, the Ox, the Leopard, the Hare, the Crocodile, the Serpent, the Horse, the Sheep, the Monkey, the Hen, the Dog and the Hog.[24]

The Tibetan agenda replaces the Rooster with the bird.

The Volga Bulgars, Kazars and other Turkic peoples replaced some animals by local beast: Leopard (instead of Tiger), Fish (instead of Dragon/Loong), Crocodile (also instead of Loong), Hedgehog (instead of Monkey), Elephant (instead of Squealer), and Camel (instead of Rat/Mouse).[25] [26]

In the Western farsi version of the Eastern zodiac brought by Mongols during the Heart Ages, the Chinese word lóng and Mongol word (Dragon) was translated as nahang meaning "water animate being", and may refer to any dangerous aquatic creature both mythical and real (crocodiles, hippos, sharks, sea serpents, etc.). In the 20th century the term nahang is used almost exclusively every bit meaning Whale, thus switching the Loong for the Whale in the Persian variant.[27] [28]

In the traditional KazakhKyrgyz version of the 12-year animal cycle (Kazakh: мүшел, müşel; Kyrgyz: жолбор, jolbor), the Dragon is substituted by a snail (Kazakh: ұлу, ulw; Kyrgyz: үлүл, ülül), and the Tiger appears every bit a leopard (Kazakh: барыс, barıs; Kyrgyz: илбирс, ilbirs).[29]

Emoji [edit]

All early Japanese emoji sets had at least ane suitable pictograph for each Eastern zodiac. They also had either a symbol or a pictograph subset for all the Western zodiac signs.

During the harmonization and standardization stage pb by Unicode, some additional animals to correspond local variants were added. Besides, most signs got both a facial pictograph and a full-body one. For the full-body animals (U+1F400...4C), the local variant is recorded in the corresponding code point notation. Some original emojis for applicative animals according to the previous subsection practice not have such a notation and all beast emojis that have been added in subsequent versions of Unicode are also non annotated for zodiac apply:

  1. 🐭 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐀 default
    • 🐁 Persia
    • 🐪🐫 (no note in Unicode)
  2. 🐮 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐂 default
    • 🐄 Persia
    • 🐃 Vietnam
  3. 🐯 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐅 default
    • 🐆 Persia
    • 🐺 (no annotation in Unicode)
  4. 🐰🐱 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐇 default
    • 🐈 Vietnam
  5. 🐲 (no note in Unicode)
    • 🐉 default
    • 🐊 Persia
    • 🐋 Persia, 🐳 (no notation in Unicode)
    • 🐌 Kazakhstan
    • 🦈 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐟 (no notation in Unicode)
    • 🦛 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🦅 (no note in Unicode)
  6. 🐍
  7. 🐴 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐎
  8. 🐏 default
    • 🐐 Vietnam, Malaysia
    • 🐑 Persia
  9. 🐵 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐒 default
    • 🐢 (no note in Unicode)
    • 🦔 (no annotation in Unicode)
  10. 🐔 Persia
    • 🐓 default
    • 🐦 (no annotation in Unicode)
  11. 🐶 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐕 default
  12. 🐷 (no annotation in Unicode)
    • 🐖 default
    • 🐗 Japan
    • 🐘 Thailand
    • 🐢 Malaysia
    • 🦌 (no annotation in Unicode)

Gallery [edit]

Meet also [edit]

  • Earthly Branches
  • Star divination and science
  • Chinese New year's day

References [edit]

  1. ^ teacher, Namiko Abe Namiko Abe is a Japanese language; translator; years, equally well as a Japanese calligraphy skilful She has been a freelance writer for nearly twenty. "The Twelve Japanese Zodiac Signs". ThoughtCo. Archived from the original on 2017-10-14. Retrieved 2019-07-sixteen .
  2. ^ a b "Chinese Zodiac and Chinese Year Animals". Archived from the original on 2011-03-24. Retrieved 2019-07-16 .
  3. ^ "Khmer Calendar". Archived from the original on 30 Oct 2009. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  4. ^ "Animals of the Thai Zodiac and the Twelve Year Cycle". Thaizer. 2011-09-08. Archived from the original on 2012-08-14. Retrieved 2019-07-sixteen .
  5. ^ Theodora Lau, The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, pp. 2–8, 30–35, lx–64, 88–94, 118–124, 148–153, 178–184, 208–213, 238–244, 270–278, 306–312, 338–344, Souvenir Press, New York, 2005
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  12. ^ "Legend of the Chinese Zodiac". 3 March 2003. Archived from the original on 2022-03-20. Retrieved 2022-02-01 .
  13. ^ Cyndi Chen (2013-02-26). "The 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖". Archived from the original on March 6, 2013. Retrieved October 11, 2013.
  14. ^ "Year of the Cat OR Year of the Rabbit?". world wide 3 February 2011. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-02-23 .
  15. ^ "Japanese Zodiac Signs and Symbols". 5 January 2012. Archived from the original on 17 December 2014. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  16. ^ "Chinese Zodiac:Legend and Characteristics". Archived from the original on 19 July 2019. Retrieved nineteen July 2019.
  17. ^ "The Khmer Calendar | Cambodian Religion, Festivals and Zodiac Astrology". 2019-04-25. Archived from the original on 2019-07-19. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  18. ^ "Khmer Chhankitek Calendar". Archived from the original on 30 October 2009. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  19. ^ Farouk Yahya (2015). Malay Magic and Divination in Illuminated Manuscripts.
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  21. ^ "การเปลี่ยนวันใหม่ การนับวัน ทางโหราศาสตร์ไทย การเปลี่ยนปีนักษัตร โหราศาสตร์ ดูดวง ทำนายทายทัก". Archived from the original on 2011-01-03.
  22. ^ "dtrif/abv: Proper noun list of Bulgarian hans". Archived from the original on 2012-02-04. Retrieved 2009-04-15 .
  23. ^ Именник на българските ханове – ново тълкуване. М.Москов. С. 1988 г. § lxxx,70
  24. ^ Grahame, F. R. (1860). The archer and the steppe; or, The empires of Scythia, a history of Russia. p. 258. Retrieved thirteen March 2020.
  25. ^ Davletshin1, Gamirzan M. (2015). "The Calendar and the Time Account of the Turko-Tatars". Periodical of Sustainable Development. 8 (5).
  26. ^ Dani, A. H.; Mohen, J.-P. History of Humanity. Vol. 2: From the Tertiary Millennium to the Seventh Century B.C. UNESCO. Archived from the original on xiv June 2020. Retrieved xiii March 2020.
  27. ^ Rasulid Hexaglot. P. B. Gold, ed., The King'south Dictionary: The Rasūlid Hexaglot – Fourteenth Century Vocabularies in Arabic, Persian, Turkic, Greek, Armenian and Mongol, tr. T. Halasi-Kun, P. B. Golden, Fifty. Ligeti, and Due east. Schütz, HO Viii/4, Leiden, 2000.
  28. ^ Jan Gyllenbok, Encyclopaedia of Historical Metrology, Weights, and Measures, Book 1, 2018, p. 244.
  29. ^ А. Мухамбетова (A. Mukhambetova), Казахский традиционный календарь "The traditional Kazakh calendar" Archived 2022-01-15 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)

Sources [edit]

  • Shelly H. Wu. (2005). Chinese Astrology. Publisher: The Career Printing, Inc. ISBN 1-56414-796-7.

External links [edit]

  • "The Year of the Rooster: On Seeing"
  • "The Twelvemonth of the Rooster, On Eating, Injecting, Imbibing & Speaking"
  • "2016: The Aureate Monkey, A Twelvemonth to Remember"
  • "The Dragon Raises its Head 龍抬頭"
  • "2019 twelvemonth of the Grunter"
  • "From the Year of the Ape to the Twelvemonth of the Monkey Archived 2020-04-11 at the Wayback Motorcar" (on use of Zodiac figures for political criticism)
  • Media related to Chinese zodiac at Wikimedia Commons


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