
How To Draw Anime Hair Kid Friendly

How to draw anime girl hair for beginners. Tutorial.

In this tutorial, I will show you how I draw anime daughter hair in 4 basic steps. Drawing hair requires existent thinking on the role of the artist – as any good drawing does. This is especially true when drawing anime hair since nosotros have to convey information and stylize all at once.

This is an anime hair drawing tutorial for beginners so we will focus on the simple inductive (front) view. I will first discuss the iv-stride method for drawing anime girl pilus, and and then we will go through six (yep half-dozen!) examples together. With each example, I volition effort to prove you something new to take into consideration when you describe.

To describe anime daughter'due south hair, get-go gain a basic understanding of where the caput is below the hair,
so describe a detailed sketch as an underdrawing, and then draw terminal line art on top of the sketch, and finally end the drawing with basic shading.

If you lot had a chance to read any of my tutorials in the by, you know that I am focused on giving you lot systems to draw many variations and not just re-create a basic profile view of anime girl pilus. This tutorial is no different. The method employed hither can be used to depict many other views and angles of hair, as well as other things.

This tutorial is no different. The method employed hither can exist used to depict many other views and angles of hair, likewise as other things. We volition cover the following:

  • Depict Anime Girl Hair Method Explained in 4 steps
  • Describe Anime Girl Pilus Step-past-Pace – Instance 1
  • Draw Anime Daughter Hair Step-by-Step – Case 2
  • Draw Anime Daughter Hair Pace-by-Pace – Example iii
  • Draw Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step – Case 4
  • Draw Anime Daughter Hair Step-past-Step – Example v
  • Draw Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step – Example 6 – Asuka from Evangelion
  • Final Thoughts

A quick note, earlier going further, I will use the term anime to mean both anime and manga for simplicity. Although anime usually refers to animated, and manga usually refers to drawn (printed) art, the general style and arroyo to drawing is the aforementioned.

Drawing anime girl hair for beginners - process.

Draw Anime Girl Hair for Beginners – a 4 Step Method

Without further ado, let's go over the steps, and then look at some examples.

Step ane: Place Caput Outline

Anime girl hair how to draw - step 1

So before we start drawing pilus, we need to exist clear on how the hair sits on the head. That is to say, we need to know how much volume it takes upwardly. Is the hair very puffy and big, or does information technology sit only on the elevation of the skull, kind of like moisture hair does? Before proceeding, identify the outline of the head.

In the examples below, I volition describe a purple line to approximate where the head of the grapheme is behind the hair. After a while, you lot don't take to exercise that anymore, you will develop a feeling for it.

Practise non skip this step until you get more confident at cartoon hair even so, because information technology will assist situate proportions in the adjacent step.

Footstep ii: Create an Underdrawing

Anime girl hair how to draw - step 2

At present that we know where the edges of the skull of the character are, nosotros can start working on an underdrawing. An underdrawing is a loose sketch that is done first, before the concluding cartoon. (information technology sits under the final art).

This is really easy to practise with digital fine art since you lot can work on a new layer for the final line art. If yous are using a pencil, describe lightly with a hard course scale pencil (like a 4H). You can erase these light lines later.

In this underdrawing, work on determining the shape of the pilus you want to achieve in the final cartoon. As well, work on identifying the menstruation of hair, how the sections period into one another.

Do not worry most the quality of your lines, or how presentable the sketch looks. As long as information technology makes sense to you and you feel like y'all tin can employ it for the final drawing, information technology should work for our purposes.

All of the underdrawings in the examples below are indicated in Gvaat purple for reference.

Step 3: Draw Concluding Line Fine art

Anime girl hair how to draw - step 3

Now that we have a base underdrawing to work from, nosotros can focus on drawing the final line art for our anime girl and her hair. Notice that because we took intendance of a lot of more than complex work in the previous steps (similar the shape of the hair, it's menses and rhythm and where it is situated on the caput), we can now piece of work on the details and line quality for this step.

Our decisions tin can still alter from the previous step. In fact when you draw, do not hesitate to make changes from the underdrawing if yous see an opportunity to improve your drawing.

However, you will see that the decisions nosotros will be making in this pace are more of a micro than macro level. You lot will most likely discover yourself changing smaller private shapes to be more aesthetically pleasing, and not changing the entire hairstyle.

A full hairstyle modify should take place in footstep 2, the underdrawing step. So if yous observe yourself wanting to modify the manner, become dorsum to the sketch and redraw it.

1 affair to add about concluding line art: to do information technology well yous need to practice line command with your pencil/pen or stylus. Regardless of the drawing instrument, line control is a combination of input from the brain and muscle retentivity of the arm and paw.

Here is a quick exercise to exercise improving line control when drawing hair, if you are having trouble:

Lightly sketch out a perfect circumvolve on paper, utilise many sketchy lines if you would like. Create a sketch to be about the size of a water canteen cap. Erase (or set loftier transparency) to bear witness only the hint of your sketch. Then attempt to draw a perfect circumvolve over it in a single smooth and swift gesture.

Pace 4: Add Bones Shading

Anime girl hair how to draw - step 4

Ok, now we should accept final line art of your cartoon of an anime girl complete. Let'due south take it farther with very basic shading. Let's utilize but one color to advise form.

In the to a higher place example, the but areas not shaded in are those indicating highlights. It's a elementary way to add some graphic symbol to the drawing for beginners. Don't become carried abroad with complex shading only yet.

Before you get into complicated shading technqiues, endeavour getting your drawings to a place where they are coming out to your liking get-go. If you desire to learn most a few things you can implement in cartoon right at present to outset improving more rapidly, read my post about information technology here.

Anime and manga girl hair how to draw  in steps.
This diagram demonstrates various stages of drawing an anime girl. On the left is the underdrawing stage. As I started to model the final line art, I as well indicated the skull to understand hair placement better. Finally, I show the very simple shading layer, which when added to the final line fine art, creates some sense of space on the character.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step – Example 1

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 1 - step 1

Although I practise non conspicuously draw the line of the head like in this example every time, I do place it in my mind when I draw. So here, in these examples, I identified the line in purple for yous.

In this forepart view, the eye line will always be around the heart of the vertical line between the mentum and the to top the caput. So if you measure out, the space between the chin and the optics, is roughly the same equally between the eyes and the peak of the head.

(Note this is not e'er true, as the caput begins to tilt upwards or downwards, things start to change. Learning how to describe various angles has to exercise with learning perspective and foreshortening, as well as the forms of the face. We will save these complex concepts for futurity tutorials).

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 1 - step 2

Here is the nether-drawing sketch for this example. I used procreate and an iPad pro to depict the confront on a separate layer. The face is used in all examples here since hair is the focus. For the hair, you tin encounter that I am more focused on the overall shape of the hair and less worried about what the lines await like at this stage.

These lines are just a guide for the terminal line art in the next footstep.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 1 - Step 3

In this step I drew over the underdrawing with more precision. It could employ more refinement and some shading nevertheless simply much of the indecisiveness of the sketchy lines of the underdrawing is now left in the past.

Let's wait at more examples.

Drawing Anime Girl Pilus Step-by-Stride – Example 2

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 2 - Step 1

In stride one: identify the location of the caput. You can even draw a bald grapheme earlier you map hair onto their caput.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 2 - Step 2

Step 2: in the underdrawing stage I am focused on shapes, (overall shape of the pilus), and lines leading to the tips of the hair in different areas.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 2 - Step 3

Step iii: hither is the final step for this case. Terminal line fine art is fatigued over the underdrawing layer. We will cover basic shading in the examples below.

Cartoon Anime Daughter Hair Step-by-Step – Example iii

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 3 - Step 1

Stride 1: Again, I identified the outline of the head so we tin can come across how the pilus maps onto it with this particular hairstyle.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 3 - Step 2

Step 2: Here is the underdrawing for this case. Y'all can run into that I am deciding on the overall shape out the outline. Try to finalize the silhouette of the hair in this stage if you tin can, and leave the details to step three.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 3 - Step 3

Step 3: Here y'all tin see the overall shape is the aforementioned but the details and the aesthetics of the lines are different from pace 2. This is because the underdrawing stride (step 2), is not nearly the aesthetics of your lines, it is more of a guide on how the hair should look, its shape and flow.

Permit's move to the next instance where we will cover basic shading.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-past-Stride – Instance 4

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 4  - Step 1 and 2

So here is the underdrawing step. We identified it earlier equally step two. Notwithstanding, equally yous go meliorate, y'all volition inevitably complete step 1 and step ii at the same time.

You lot will draw the underdrawing of the pilus and identify where the head shape is as you do so.

You volition come across here that I used a heavier line to create the overall silhouette of the hair. In doing this it becomes easier to see your mistakes and to evaluate the entire pattern. Focus heavily on the silhouette of the hair, since information technology is where nearly visible mistakes are made.

Y'all can likewise attempt a final line fine art variation where you use a heavier line weight for the outline and thinner lines for definition within the hair shape.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 4  - Step 3

Step three: Hither nosotros finished cartoon our anime girl and her hairstyle. You volition see that although I used the underdrawing as a guide, the overall expression of the shapes changed.

And this is exactly the point of having an underdrawing – it helps take care of large issues – similar the overall blueprint, so that when you lot are working over it on the final line art, yous can think about the little details and the private shapes that brand up your art.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 4 - Step 4

Step four: For the terminal footstep of bones shading, let'due south get-go shade in all of the hair to separate it visually from everything else, and then volition erase pigment for the highlights to provide a bit of book.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 4  - Step 4

Step four: Hither you can see that there are 2 sets of highlights at the superlative and bottom of the hair, usually indicating multiple low-cal sources.

It is a good idea to keep shading very bones in the beginning. If you are simply starting out, get to the signal where you lot are happy with most of your designs and lines and the overall drawing, and get to shading then.

It is very seldom a skillful idea to spend time shading a drawing you are not happy with.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step – Example five

 Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 5  - Step 1

Hither, permit's get back to pace 1, and place where the structure of the head is earlier we draw in the pilus.

We are coming back to this considering I want to highlight that this stride is extremely important. It can happen in your heed or on canvas, only it really does need to happen.

Yous should understand where the hair maps on top of the head earlier going further.

 Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 5  - Step 2

Step two and Pace 3: in this example, I am showing the underdrawing (stake royal) and the final line art (deep purple), to compare how ane is different from another.

 Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 5  - Step 3

Pace 3: I now got rid of the underdrawing completely. With this instance, allow's endeavour to create that thicker line weight for the silhouette and and so draw in thinner lines inside the silhouette, I think you volition like the effect.

In anime and manga the contrast of lines is usually expressed not just with line weights but besides with color variations.

 Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 5  - Step 3 final

Stride iii: And then hither we see the thicker lines define the outline of the hair, and the thinner lines ascertain the menstruum of it inside the hair shape. The contrast of line weights (thin vs thick) adds an extra level of interest to this drawing, do you agree?

Drawing Anime Daughter Hair Step-by-Pace – Example six: Asuka from Evangelion

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 6: Asuka from Evangelion - Step 1

In this epitome, I am again showing the outline of the head for reference.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 6: Asuka from Evangelion - Step 2

And here is the actual underdrawing sketch for this slice. You tin can come across that a lot of scratchy indecisive lines come up through. It was okay for me to do that at this stage considering I knew I would replace these lines with ameliorate concluding line art.

In this step, I worried little nearly how the lines wait, instead I spent most of my energy on figuring out the overall shape, flow and proportions of the hair and the rest of the drawing.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 6: Asuka from Evangelion - Step 3

In this step nosotros see the underdrawing (light grey), and the final line art on top. As you tin can see I changed the design a lot. It is okay to step abroad from the underdrawing sketch if you feel like it volition ameliorate your art. The sketch underneath is but there as a guide.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 6: Asuka from Evangelion - Step 4

Here I added bones shading to testify book of the course. By basic, I hateful actually basic shading. It is all one color and is added with a big castor.

Shading is a complex subject and can accept years to master. However, I know that that some of you are eager to add a bit of shading to your anime girl drawings! So let'southward go on information technology very simple.

Here the light source is situated above. You tin can come across that mainly by looking at the hair. The top of it is hit past light, and information technology casts a shadow from the head down to the breast. Similarly, the shoulders and arms are hit by the calorie-free source from the top, so I shaded-in the bottom sections.

For a detailed breakdown of shading grade, cheque out this tutorial I wrote for beginners: Larn to Draw, Fundamentals of Light and Form.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 6: Asuka from Evangelion - Shading

Here is the shading layer only then that you see how simple it was kept for this cartoon.

Drawing Anime Girl Hair Step-by-Step - Example 6: Asuka from Evangelion - Step 5

In this final, I fixed the eyes and added an extra highlight.

How to Draw Anime Girl Pilus for Beginners – Terminal Thoughts

Exercise, practice, exercise!

Drawing an anime girl'due south hair is not an piece of cake thing to draw. Getting better at drawing anime pilus should consist of both learning through tutorials and practicing what you learned through cartoon. Draw every solar day and draw lots of hair. Detect anime and manga artists who inspire you nearly and endeavour to study their art and draw studies from their work.

By the way, there are and so many things yous can do to start cartoon every mean solar day and to go on information technology up as a habit! If yous are curious about it, check out my post on information technology here.

Practiced luck in your drawing practice!



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